Raw Motes (Gin Motes): Goetz and Sons sources gin motes from cotton gins across the USA. We provide pricing in a variety of ways to fit the particular needs of each gin. Pricing on motes from year to year can be volatile. If you have motes to sell and think the time could be right to sell all or even part of your crop, give us a call. Our buyers will offer prices on days when the competition will not. We can also structure deals that can move with the market during the season.
Reginned Motes (Regins): Goetz and Sons offers a wide variety of regins including Texas, Mid South, and Southeastern varieties. Our regins have a versatile range of uses from spinning to non-woven applications. Our customers around the world depend on Goetz and Sons for quality product delivered on grade. Independent testing of samples insures that grade parameters are kept.